Build from source

Build c++ library

One can download the source code and save it to wherever you like, assuming save the source to Download download folder.

  1. How to do ?

Requirements: basic development environment

  • CMake : >=3.3

  • C++ compiler

  • make

  • git (optional)

# 1. clone source code from github, or just download the source code and skip this step.
git clone

# 2. check directory in to Library folder of the source code
cd Library

# 3. create a build folder
mkdir build
cd build

# 4. cmake without building other APIs
cmake -DBuild_API_MultiLanguage=OFF ..

# 5. build the lib: you will get libeosH2ONaCl.a in the build folder

# 6. install the lib to ../lib path, so the ../lib path will be created and libeosH2ONaCl.a is copied in this path
make install

Requirements: basic development environment

  • CMake : >=3.3

  • C++ compiler

  • make

  • git (optional)

# 1. clone source code from github, or just download the source code and skip this step.
git clone

# 2. check directory in to Library folder of the source code
cd Library

# 3. create a build folder
mkdir build
cd build

# 4. cmake without building other APIs
cmake -DBuild_API_MultiLanguage=OFF ..

# 5. build the lib: you will get libeosH2ONaCl.a in the build folder

# 6. install the lib to ../lib path, so the ../lib path will be created and libeosH2ONaCl.a is copied in this path
make install

Requirements: basic development environment

The Visual Studio 2017 Community have to be installed and the path of MSBUILD.exe is added in the system environment PATH variable. All the following steps are performed in PowerShell.

# 1. clone source code from github, or just download the source code and skip this step.
git clone

# 2. check directory in to Library folder of the source code
cd Library

# 3. create a build folder
mkdir build
cd build

# 4. cmake without building other APIs

# 5. build using msbuild.exe: then you will find eosH2ONaCl.lib is generated in the Release folder
msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Release eosH2ONaCl.vcxproj

# 6. install (optional): the eosH2ONaCl.lib is copied to ../lib folder
msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Release INSTALL.vcxproj
  1. What will you get ?


need to make snapshot


Build standalone command line tool


If you want to compile the standalone command line tool by yourself, you have to finish the previous step of Build c++ library firstly!

Requirements: basic development environment

  • All requirements in Build c++ library step

  • OpenMP: could use brew install libomp and check /usr/local/Cellar/libomp/*/include path. The cmake will automatically detect the OpenMP include files and library files.

# 1. go to the commandline folder in the source code path
cd commandline

# 2. create build folder and check directory to the build folder
mkdir build
cd build

# 3. cmake
cmake ..

# 4. build

# 5. check if swEOS is generated

# 6. test it
./swEOS -h

Requirements: basic development environment

  • All requirements in Build c++ library step

  • OpenMP: could use sudo apt-get install libomp. The cmake will automatically detect the OpenMP include files and library files.

# 1. go to the commandline folder in the source code path
cd commandline

# 2. create build folder and check directory to the build folder
mkdir build
cd build

# 3. cmake
cmake ..

# 4. build

# 5. check if swEOS is generated

# 6. test it
./swEOS -h

Requirements: basic development environment

# 1. go to the commandline folder in the source code path
cd commandline

# 2. create build folder and check directory to the build folder
mkdir build
cd build

# 4. cmake

# 5. build using msbuild.exe: the swEOS.exe will generated in the Release folder
msbuild /m /p:Configuration=Release swEOS.vcxproj

# 6. Test it
./Release/swEOS.exe -h

Build APIs


APIs of other programing language, e.g., python, tcl, js, depends on a lot of tools (e.g. swig, npm, python) and need a lot of programing skills. We don’t recommend users to try out this unless they master cross-platform and multi-language programing skills. But users can use the APIs for research, for example the python API pyswEOS python users.

Of course, users can find details in the source code if they are interested in that.

Build Desktop App with GUI


Again, compilation of the desktop app with GUI also not that easy, because the GUI version is depends on Qt and VTK. Therefore, it also needs a lot of programing skills to reach that. If users are interested in building the GUI version by themselves, please read the source code.